Failed Spinal Fusions

A spinal fusion is a procedure where two or more vertebrae are joined together by placing a bone graft between them to strengthen the spine against movement. This procedure is used to treat conditions such as scoliosis or degenerative disc disease, but if it fails, it can cause serious problems for the patient’s posture and quality of life.

While the success rate of the surgery is high, there is a small percentage of patients who do not experience the relief they were hoping for.

What are Failed Spinal Fusions?

When a spinal fusion is unsuccessful, it’s called failed fusion. A failed fusion happens when the bones don’t heal together properly after surgery. In most cases, this occurs because there was not enough bone growth during the healing process.
Pre and Post Op Laminectomy xray

What are Failed Spinal Fusions?

When a spinal fusion is unsuccessful, it’s called failed fusion. A failed fusion happens when the bones don’t heal together properly after surgery. In most cases, this occurs because there was not enough bone growth during the healing process.

Causes of Failed Spinal Fusions

There are a lot of possible causes for failed spinal fusion. The most common include:
Not Enough Support

There is not enough support to hold the spine in place. This can happen if your doctor did not use enough hardware or if your body has rejected the hardware.

Hardware Failure
Another common cause of failed spinal fusion. The hardware may have been put in incorrectly, or it may have worn out over time.

Treatment for Failed Spinal Fusions

If your first procedure was unsuccessful, it may be worth trying again with a different doctor or improved techniques. In some cases, this is an effective way to treat failed fusions and get back on track with your recovery process.

Make sure that your surgeon has experience working with patients who have experienced failed fusions before choosing this option.

Schedule an Appointment with a Minnesota Spine Fusion Surgeon Today

If you are considering a spinal fusion and have questions about the success rate or possible complications, make an appointment with a spine specialist. Dr. Hart Garner uses the latest advancements in technology and techniques to ensure the best possible outcome.